Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Facebook Stop People Seeing My Friends

Sobre la belleza…

Me tomaré la libertad para centrar estas palabras sólo en el campo estético a partir de un interés mezquino que tengo en lo que llamamos la belleza, lo sublime, lo feo o lo disonante.

Hay varias ideas que me vienen rondando la cabeza, pero por muy obvias que parezcan vale la pena discutirlas. Para muchas personas, empezando por los cirujanos plásticos, existen unas medidas estándares que de cumplirse le pueden permitir a un sujeto ser más armónico, symmetric and therefore more beautiful, the distance between the eyes, nose size, the shape of the ears, the voluptuousness of the body are some of the established social precepts. However, there is no need to go far to hear repeatedly opposed the idea that "beauty is subjective, that what for you is beautiful to me is not necessarily, and often the type of woman who I can love another you can remove quickly.

plastic surgeries are undoubtedly necessary to solve problems rather than functional are almost always emotional. For example, it is indisputable that someone with a cleft lip feel better and lead a life more fun if it can be operated and feel as normal as the rest of the community, the same can happen to those who do not like the size of their ears, the color of his hair or moles on his body, but also it is necessary to note that in every culture, the social imaginary of beauty also change and that security for an Embera Indian tribe Katio, Miss Universe is not the prettiest woman on the planet.

rests on Kant's Critique of Judgement, that the aesthetic studies and investigates the systematic source of pure feeling and manifestations, in other words a science that is primarily concerned reflection on the problems of art. In this sense, from an aesthetic approach that stems directly from the feeling, I venture to express to me what may be strictly a beautiful woman.

Something beautiful would be something that one would be watching for hours without discomfort. When you find a beautiful woman can talk to her for hours without noticing the passage of time, simply absorbed in the recollection of how beautiful she is.

The other day, after climbing the stairs that led me to his house, I saw an extremely pretty girl, very beautiful. At that time it was for me the most beautiful on earth, at least on Medellin. Her movements were subtle and fine me, and had a permanent smile on his face. Mentally, I was outlining each of the lines that wove his face slim, given off while kindness and joy. His grace and charisma were a welcoming point of view which was absorbed without her noticing. The feelings were warm and bandoneon. Never dawned on me a lustful thought, but perhaps of excitement and gallantry. And even that, any kind of sexual desire was innocent, just warm idolatry and contemplation. Does the principle of true love?


then is the difference between a woman whose adjectives can be pretty, cute or beautiful because of its simplicity and grace? And another that creates instant sexual desire? Let's see if we can shed some light on the matter. "Both are beautiful?

In Colombia, a woman talks about "good" to refer to one that gets all the attention due to the size of her cleavage or her curves, similar to the Argentine term "is re-strong" generated against spectacle. Does not reflect much on the language, but it is clear that both adjectives limited to the person on their condition means and not end, re-strong and good for.

When a woman is beautiful, which does not happen very often, it is as if it were to arise in a sacred garment that covers the immediate and impossible desire. It's like a deity who creates a mystical and full respect for worship. That woman is so beautiful that requires some time to discover it. So strong can be the meeting of nerve impulses in line with that divinity on earth that sometimes you only realize its beauty until after a while.

This is obviously my preference for the kind of beauty in women, the simple, quick to laughter, to the defense and caress. I think it should be for most men, but there are many who prefer time with the "re-deposit", which for a lifetime with a beautiful woman and smiling. What usually happens is that it is much harder to win the love of the beautiful woman with whom one is excited, and indeed in the background I always keep the hope that is so, it is not easy and dignified resistance object, it much more rewarding.

voluptuous women face is always good to ask: it is really beautiful?, Yes it is capable of being dressed in beautiful maintained more easily and with complete clothing? and if in that case Would unanimously about the beauty of this woman?


"Real beauty lies only in the eyes of the beholder? sure, but my position so that the best is the unmistakable "pretty girl." The beauty in the other which encourages the carnal, is temporary and fades with time, while it is nice to remain so long as I live. The looks, the laughter, gestures, words, the clarity ... all that is preserved well into the age, and probably better than any absolute beauty and finish bringing less problems, the owner and others.

Well, let these thoughts scattered, but that had to drop. Maybe because I have the fortune of being in love with a beautiful woman, and because this to be a philosopher of the fifth I like to feed much-needed entertainment for me.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Do The Royal Family Have Bodyguards

Erasmus Student Charter in Helsinki

of such absurd rubbish that often comes to me by mail, emerges eventually something worth mentioning , and why not, read. The Erasmus Student Charter in Helsinki, is a good piece of rhetoric, dialectic and more contradictions. Discuss ...

October 10

Hello! How is everything there? I phenomenal. A couple of days ago I arrived in Helsinki. You would have to be here, this is amazing! Got off the plane and it was snowing. The snow is so pretty! It seems white cotton. This is beautiful, snow everywhere. Yes, here it is quite cold, but I bought a great coat. It's so warm!

I'm installed in the house of FRUD. Do you know what happened to me? On the way here appeared on the road a reindeer. What a beautiful thing! In my life I've seen most majestic animal. Like something out of a story. Coming here with the ice slipped down the trunk of the taxi. Lol! Everything is frozen, it's fun!

said that I'm home FRUD. I made a car to go every day to college., Is not it fantastic? Yesterday morning, when I to get the car to the garage, I found that it had snowed at night, and I had to remove the pile of snow with a shovel. It was so real! Doctor I was in Alaska!

This is great, I love you to be here. I send you a postcard so you can admire the landscape, which looks like something out of a Dickens tale. I think I reconciled with the world . Besos.


March 20

This sucks. I'm up to the hilt on this site. This is like hell but the air conditioning on all Host. Who the fuck put me here send me? I told you, Mom! Although you may seem, here the thermometer does not rise from zero. What heads fit? By the way, what about the failures? Well is not it? bastards ... here no more snow to fall all fucking day. What do I say snow?; White shit because this shit is white.

this morning after half an hour attempting to start the fucking car (it had frozen to the address), open the door and what do I find? For what's all the same fucking day: a ton of white shit. The doctor told me to let me play with the stick, which as I re-attach the back I'm going to be paralyzed. Since a month ago I sinned a slip on ice (transparent crap) and I got a vertebra of the site, I'm having an awful time.

Then, going to college, I hit a fucking reindeer. That bastard has been crossed without warning. The reindeer in my life I have seen more animal fucker ... And on top Do you think you've charged me! The bastard has gone out legs while I was in the middle of nowhere with the radiator burst. The twenty mile walk in the snow have left me fucked. Mucus are mixed with tears rolling down my cheeks as I write these lines. Do not know the desire I have to return. I'm up to the hilt of this fucking place. I have wanted to get home and take off my coat shit I've been up since October and is already beginning to stink. A hug to everyone. I love you.

PS: I'm thinking suicide.