They appear together, hug, wink your eyes, and agree on what to say. Of course, going to the same programs, and always speak of the same: the bullshit, the relentless frivolity. Mind you, when you need to seriously discuss issues no doubt, reiterate like parrots here are hysterical fear, you can not go out that inflation eats us, we're isolated from the world, and of course, we are full poor (that sounds bad niggers, no Duran?)
And idiot that you think you care about the children of the disappeared! You worry about the bicentennial, for the coup in Honduras, so did Israel, regionalism, by Macri listeners, the media law in Greece! uffff, which plunger chabón ... Until when? How long will we be a country that slows man?!
Look ahead, look to the developed world! Alongside them we have to be, and not embrace with Chavez or Bolivia's bold that I do not remember the name. We must be free to travel, filled with shopping malls nationwide, bringing outside investment. That creates jobs. And what these, giving them the black twine to buy wine and all we have to feed vague. This well is falling apart. Or darling?
I do not know if I live che wrong, but here I see that we fight for bullshit, and the rest of the world shit we laugh. Moreover, if we're late, we are bent on persecuting the old fart of the dictatorship, we are cutting routes and we're talking mouth human rights ... whose human rights? if here were only respect for human rights offenders. I left you, you're a good chabon, kill running inside your house while your sister is raped, and you'll see that you are in jail for 20 years. These things only happen here, in a fourth country.
But good, to hell with irony, I feel it already is hitting me. I said, are the Menem. The Menem administration is not a particular political moment in history. No. It is much more than that. Is the exacerbation of the values \u200b\u200bof individualism, egoism, the opportunism, the yo yo and me and me and me! and nobody but me! I come to speak of the children of Noble, or all those things I mentioned above. You have to give ball to how they dress the guests of the Columbus, Rial Quilombo, the boyfriend of Susan, Mirtha or lunches. Politics? Oh yes, potholes, uncertainty, and inflation. That's what people really care. back to that.