The obligation to write is because we are in the presence of an electoral debate that goes beyond the personalities, surnames, and in this case the parties themselves. We're talking about a dispute which at first glance seem opportunistic and safe, but deep marks two very marked models: the model of liberal vs. rule of law. the authoritarian model. "Liberal" world understood as freedom, self determination, equality, and not as we know it in Creole, which is on the right.
Thus, the antagonistic systems appear on stage with Macri and Scioli, two guys that in my view, with the forgiveness of some compaañeros-are children of the process. On the one hand we have the controversial simpre City Government, which once again shows that his moderation and republicanism are the product of a detailed image work from their advertisers, setting up a hierarchical organization intends to conduct any illegality exists, using the methods typical of the repressive apparatus deployed in the military governments. On the other hand, Scioli, who seems to have understood the message of insecurity is best suited to win votes in the province and aims to launch a misdemeanor code that formalizes the criminalization of poverty advocated that our penal system.
De Macri
I have nothing to say. Just to tell you that, a priori, all roads lead to prosecution.
Meanwhile, what of Scioli is inexplicable, it is proposed that this type back 30 years. Not withstand any kind of constitutional interpretation, it violates many basic rights and guarantees every individual. The world is coming to pose a legislative model for human rights and seeks to govern Scioli upstream. Neither the Right more European vernacular se permite un código contravencional como el que está por aprobarse.
Cuando me refiero a un modelo autoritario, lo hago en contraposición a un modelo progresista que garantice libertades. A medida que las sociedades se desarrollan socio-culturalmente, los Estados van otorgando más libertades a sus pueblos, desmembrando su poder de policía sobre éste, y despenalizando sucesivamente determinadas acciones. Un modelo autoritario, por el contrario, no solo amplía el poder punitivo del Estado, sino que se correponde con una sociedad que involuciona, y tiende a su vez a preservar el orden y el control ciudadano ante la conflictividad social.
Este proyecto lo único que hace es ampliar considerablemente el poder police agency, which strives to increasingly criminalize behavior. The debate is posited between two visibly different, significantly marking the model of society which aims to build. In addition, the state police have been frustrated throughout the world. We know very well what it means an abusive police force, repression, and a free hand to act as you want.
On the other hand, the project completely innocuous behavior punished, not in any way infringe any legal right. in such a way that does not deserve any kind of criminalization. Thus, what is sought is to suppress the most vulnerable and those who argue against the established order.
as criminal law student and a staunch defender of freedom, I say that this is not fuck. I doubt that this project be sustained over time, as it disarms itself, but anyway, will irreparably harm the most vulnerable sectors of society, and comes with the idea of \u200b\u200bbackground authoritarian state. This is something we all do shit.
paste it a read, which has no waste.