Thursday, November 19, 2009

Letter Proposal Franchisee

a compelling need to write me Forgot obligation to update this blog. One day I, though I million. Rather, these issues will detail a posteriori, so gral. the circle of people with whom I can discuss is markedly low in compared to the supply offered by the policy. Although, to understand this we must get into the political arena. Because the subject is right, but just criminal. And the rules are not all innocent but obey poítico historical context of a dispute of interest it is necessary to get us in-the mud and talk about politics.

The obligation to write is because we are in the presence of an electoral debate that goes beyond the personalities, surnames, and in this case the parties themselves. We're talking about a dispute which at first glance seem opportunistic and safe, but deep marks two very marked models: the model of liberal vs. rule of law. the authoritarian model. "Liberal" world understood as freedom, self determination, equality, and not as we know it in Creole, which is on the right.

Thus, the antagonistic systems appear on stage with Macri and Scioli, two guys that in my view, with the forgiveness of some compaañeros-are children of the process. On the one hand we have the controversial simpre City Government, which once again shows that his moderation and republicanism are the product of a detailed image work from their advertisers, setting up a hierarchical organization intends to conduct any illegality exists, using the methods typical of the repressive apparatus deployed in the military governments. On the other hand, Scioli, who seems to have understood the message of insecurity is best suited to win votes in the province and aims to launch a misdemeanor code that formalizes the criminalization of poverty advocated that our penal system.
De Macri
I have nothing to say. Just to tell you that, a priori, all roads lead to prosecution.

Meanwhile, what of Scioli is inexplicable, it is proposed that this type back 30 years. Not withstand any kind of constitutional interpretation, it violates many basic rights and guarantees every individual. The world is coming to pose a legislative model for human rights and seeks to govern Scioli upstream. Neither the Right more European vernacular se permite un código contravencional como el que está por aprobarse.

Cuando me refiero a un modelo autoritario, lo hago en contraposición a un modelo progresista que garantice libertades. A medida que las sociedades se desarrollan socio-culturalmente, los Estados van otorgando más libertades a sus pueblos, desmembrando su poder de policía sobre éste, y despenalizando sucesivamente determinadas acciones. Un modelo autoritario, por el contrario, no solo amplía el poder punitivo del Estado, sino que se correponde con una sociedad que involuciona, y tiende a su vez a preservar el orden y el control ciudadano ante la conflictividad social.

Este proyecto lo único que hace es ampliar considerablemente el poder police agency, which strives to increasingly criminalize behavior. The debate is posited between two visibly different, significantly marking the model of society which aims to build. In addition, the state police have been frustrated throughout the world. We know very well what it means an abusive police force, repression, and a free hand to act as you want.

On the other hand, the project completely innocuous behavior punished, not in any way infringe any legal right. in such a way that does not deserve any kind of criminalization. Thus, what is sought is to suppress the most vulnerable and those who argue against the established order.
as criminal law student and a staunch defender of freedom, I say that this is not fuck. I doubt that this project be sustained over time, as it disarms itself, but anyway, will irreparably harm the most vulnerable sectors of society, and comes with the idea of \u200b\u200bbackground authoritarian state. This is something we all do shit.

paste it a read, which has no waste.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Shingles Between Breasts

One builds homes.
The other evicted.

One is a social group.
The other a vigilante group.
One escrachar
The other hits poor and destitute. One

demands justice. The other believes

You have the right papers.
The other acts in secret.

One is independent of the national state.
The other is created by the State of the CABA

One is "violent" by the media.
The other does not exist for these media.

One is driven by a social militantante.
the other by an employer. In a

know the faces of their leaders.
the other did not find any photos.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Volleyball Beach Camel Toe


was a 17 October 1945 when it began. Because the stories do not begin with books or stories, but with speed. And revolutions are not isolated actors, autoconvocados and determination as we are led to believe the official story. Revolutions are carried out by a people fighting for their liberation, and that delegates to a leading edge or a cross his will. And people are all against the oligarchy, not the full social and inclusive set of all social sectors. The costume of society, the people he is too small.

In short, this is the revolutionary history writing. In Argentina, even though many do not like, there were other people in the twentieth century than the Peronist.

So is this people which deserves to be recognized this day: In the shirtless, the greasers, the blacks, the outlaws, the idealists, the missing, folk healing, students, activists, theorists, the union leaders, grandmothers , fathers, mothers, children, the bloggers, the periodite, writers, artists, persecuted exiles, etc. Finally, to all belonging to the barrage zoo pride, I wish you a very happy day.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Slogan Eventi Wedding

clear in the first paragraph and bold, and avoid the wild card of "to you because you killed a child" I am not in favor of crime, it breaks my balls that someone innocent pay with their lives the price of living in a country with social inequality, and it generates even more annoying that the above victim is a young man. I also feel sorry for the family, and repudiation of such acts. always argued that insecure and vulnerable are also stereotyped to the criminal justice system: in most cases are lower class people, and many of them are middle class. Just as the offender is poor in almost all crimes prosecuted by the State, the victim, not the content is abstracted selective punitive power. A rich, these things do not pass, because he has the money to buy a policeman and put it on the sidewalk of your home, and also live in a country locked up for life. That said, I downloaded.

First, Massa appears saying something like "we want these criminals be imprisoned" and "the judge is on duty has accustomed us to release." Inadmissible. Massa, a public official can not say from the pain of the family. The offender is a citizen as the victim, and he is representative of both, even though many do not like. Is at least unfortunate that a demagogic and political expressions start from the premise that there is a fragmented society into good and bad. This gives no help with solutions, only generates hate. It is logical that the mother thinks so, but not the mayor of Tigre.

addition, Massa says from the hypothesis of the family and from the media (and we're going to take some of these octopus), and therefore can not advocate imprisonment as a revenge. Justice is one thing, it must investigate, handle a judicial assumption, and only then do a trial to settle the facts really What if the victim pulled a gun during the assault and the media not tell us? I do not claim to something like this has happened, but I do understand that the investigation of truth must do a Judge power, not a mayor. For Capristo, which will surely remember, it was discovered that the victim had made shots against the murderer in the moments before the kill. The media focus was not about these details, and imposed the truth was completely different from the reality.

The risk he runs harder than find a different hypothesis which has already been imposed by the media, which is called a "defender of the crime." Capristo say publicly that fired shots against the child who killed him, I meant a series of insults by my interlocutors. I'm sorry if someone does not like, but I studied law criminal and nothing else, so that when I am speaking from a perspective usually do a bit more complete than journalists do C5N or Massa, in his eagerness to engage the cholulaje. Therefore, if thinking is to be against what the public wants, then I do not want to be a citizen.

appear that one is against "good people" ("in the eyes of a person who is wrong?) When expressing their ideas or knowledge rather than violence or revenge by the state. Touting a more liberal penal model demorático, there is more to adapt to the world in which we live. In criticizing the criminal justice system, not hit by soft, but insquisidor, for being archaic, selective, unfair, and no citizen participation. I also want a model without injustice, but do not try to conceive of justice as an eye for an eye. Let us study the performance of the model of "first world" and copy the penal system of England, instead of repeating slogans of an authoritarian process that leads to solve any conflict.

Anyway, as I said, the communications agency is not blameless in this, but rather the opposite. It is inexplicable that during the conflict in the country, elections, the flu and the media law has not been any case of insecurity, and 24 hours after congressional approval of the standard most important of Argentina's history on communication matters, come to fill newspapers and news with a case of social violence. This is secondary to the fact itself, but it can not help noticing, the media contaminate the brain as they please. Establishing the issue of death penalty in just days, promote marches calling for tough, play with the pain of relatives, divided society, the mass fragment of punitive power vulnerable (victims, offenders, police). This is unacceptable, especially considering the number of reforms in vain to be held in the last decade in criminal matters driven by mass, all in pursuit of expanding the power punitive state and give greater powers to law enforcement agencies, and have conducted entirely dismal failure, not at all solve the problem of insecurity. .

repeat and no more to say because I'm bored, do not enjoy these events, but the worst thing you can do is what we are doing in this case means the same Massa, who instead of acting as his duty requires him public official of the XXI century, lends itself to demagogic game that "people like to listen", the same style that would make the new urban security chiefs, Mauricio Macri and Francisco de Narvaez.

No more, thanks for reading.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Early Images Of Chicken Pox

INSECURITY neither forgets nor forgives

fellow Justice was done, we collected a debt to equity.

Now we can end the business of a few, information inequality, with coups, with the candidates to the Ronald Mc Dolar style, with the censorship, the banning, with persecutions, the missing, with the crises that cause death, with the nostalgia Menem, with the voice of business, with reporters tested with the feeling of insecurity, with congestion of the peace who must endure gral inside, with wars that "we won", etc, etc, etc. Finally finished with the media monopoly.

broke the fence, we won a historic battle, surely one of the largest in the return to democracy. We are "desburguesando" institutions, making them little by little to serve the people and not the sepoys that gave our sovereignty to imperial interests. This can be a springboard to changing the collective consciousness. Consider that there is no longer a political leader to move the masses. There is a crisis of political representation and credibility very noticeable. Today the father is the TV. Everything he says is well that damn box. Now fellow, you have to show the truth of the Milanese, putting these people in our side.

This progress must feel part, that we all denounce the maneuvers of the communication business groups. Obviously bother them enough, otherwise we would not censor our voice blogger. Let so, is key. With our nuances, some Peronist, others still did not realize that they are, but all pulling to one side, as we have done until today. Providing our good intentions so that today the story begins to tell otherwise.

Friends, finished with the damn public opinion (da). Now, spread the word.

Thank you all.

Nacho, or John Sunday.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Wording For Engagement Congratulatons


The uproar in the media law should not divert attention from the processing of who would be the police chief Porteña.

A legislature does not comply with court orders , a minister who pressed , a chief of staff "sick" , police expensive, a former deputy chief of government not work, but Mauri has ample accounts that do not understand anything ... So

City Happy Pro, and thus tends to be Argentina and banana asshole these guys espouse.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Couple Stripdance Act

A nice monster

Dibujos infantiles de verano
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Dibujos para pintar de verano
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Dibujos de verano para pintar
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Dibujos de verano para colorear
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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Financial Audit Checklist Leasing


as simple as using a container of eggs.
His figure and character depend on your imagination ...

Ask your mom to give you empty egg cases. Although it seems impossible can become friendly little animals. Just imagine it and ... it is!


The materials you need:

Paint Brush color

An empty case of eggs, carton

Scissors Glue
colored wool

The Great American Chicago Buckle

pots with


are actually grass seed that when our kids go watering, will grow over time, which also is a very educational experience for the growth of the younger ones.

huevistopasua.jpg Materials :
three-egg shell acrylic paint

lentil seeds, grass, bird seed pots Earth

are painted eggshells with funny faces, then filled with soil and are placed seeds. After a few days will grow small plants like the hair of the shells that we painted.

How To Fix Eta In Vuze


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Soap For Folliculitis

Dibujos para colorear de barcos
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Dibujos de barcos para colorear
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Dibujos de barcos
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Engagement Sms From Husband


Enlarge picture Dibujos de tren

Dibujos de trenes para colorear
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Dibujos infantiles de trenes
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Meaning Of Tender When Pregnant

Dibujos de payasos
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Dibujos de payasos para colorear
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Dibujos de payasos para pintar
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Ray Diagram Of Camerqa


Dibujos de Disney para niños
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Enlarge picture Dibujos de Disney para colorear de Donald

Dibujos infantiles de Disney
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Dibujos de Disney para pintar
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Dibujos de Disney

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Dibujos de Disney: El Libro de la Jungla
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Bloody Chunks In Phlem

Dibujos de cumpleaños infantiles
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Dibujos de cumpleaños para colorear
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Dibujos de cumpleaños para pintar

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Dibujos de una tarta de cumpleaños
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