clear in the first paragraph and bold, and avoid the wild card of "to you because you killed a child" I am not in favor of crime, it breaks my balls that someone innocent pay with their lives the price of living in a country with social inequality, and it generates even more annoying that the above victim is a young man. I also feel sorry for the family, and repudiation of such acts. always argued that insecure and vulnerable are also stereotyped to the criminal justice system: in most cases are lower class people, and many of them are middle class. Just as the offender is poor in almost all crimes prosecuted by the State, the victim, not the content is abstracted selective punitive power. A rich, these things do not pass, because he has the money to buy a policeman and put it on the sidewalk of your home, and also live in a country locked up for life. That said, I downloaded.
First, Massa appears saying something like "we want these criminals be imprisoned" and "the judge is on duty has accustomed us to release." Inadmissible. Massa, a public official can not say from the pain of the family. The offender is a citizen as the victim, and he is representative of both, even though many do not like. Is at least unfortunate that a demagogic and political expressions start from the premise that there is a fragmented society into good and bad. This gives no help with solutions, only generates hate. It is logical that the mother thinks so, but not the mayor of Tigre.
addition, Massa says from the hypothesis of the family and from the media (and we're going to take some of these octopus), and therefore can not advocate imprisonment as a revenge. Justice is one thing, it must investigate, handle a judicial assumption, and only then do a trial to settle the facts really What if the victim pulled a gun during the assault and the media not tell us? I do not claim to something like this has happened, but I do understand that the investigation of truth must do a Judge power, not a mayor. For Capristo, which will surely remember, it was discovered that the victim had made shots against the murderer in the moments before the kill. The media focus was not about these details, and imposed the truth was completely different from the reality.
The risk he runs harder than find a different hypothesis which has already been imposed by the media, which is called a "defender of the crime." Capristo say publicly that fired shots against the child who killed him, I meant a series of insults by my interlocutors. I'm sorry if someone does not like, but I studied law criminal and nothing else, so that when I am speaking from a perspective usually do a bit more complete than journalists do C5N or Massa, in his eagerness to engage the cholulaje. Therefore, if thinking is to be against what the public wants, then I do not want to be a citizen.
appear that one is against "good people" ("in the eyes of a person who is wrong?) When expressing their ideas or knowledge rather than violence or revenge by the state. Touting a more liberal penal model demorĂ¡tico, there is more to adapt to the world in which we live. In criticizing the criminal justice system, not hit by soft, but insquisidor, for being archaic, selective, unfair, and no citizen participation. I also want a model without injustice, but do not try to conceive of justice as an eye for an eye. Let us study the performance of the model of "first world" and copy the penal system of England, instead of repeating slogans of an authoritarian process that leads to solve any conflict.
Anyway, as I said, the communications agency is not blameless in this, but rather the opposite. It is inexplicable that during the conflict in the country, elections, the flu and the media law has not been any case of insecurity, and 24 hours after congressional approval of the standard most important of Argentina's history on communication matters, come to fill newspapers and news with a case of social violence. This is secondary to the fact itself, but it can not help noticing, the media contaminate the brain as they please. Establishing the issue of death penalty in just days, promote marches calling for tough, play with the pain of relatives, divided society, the mass fragment of punitive power vulnerable (victims, offenders, police). This is unacceptable, especially considering the number of reforms in vain to be held in the last decade in criminal matters driven by mass, all in pursuit of expanding the power punitive state and give greater powers to law enforcement agencies, and have conducted entirely dismal failure, not at all solve the problem of insecurity. .
repeat and no more to say because I'm bored, do not enjoy these events, but the worst thing you can do is what we are doing in this case means the same Massa, who instead of acting as his duty requires him public official of the XXI century, lends itself to demagogic game that "people like to listen", the same style that would make the new urban security chiefs, Mauricio Macri and Francisco de Narvaez.
No more, thanks for reading.
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