Sunday, April 19, 2009

How To Know When A Male Scorpio Is Interested


was once a fishing village far away and small. In that village there lived a very humble and simple people, the baker sold her every morning freshly baked bread, the milkman who milked his cow Casimira, the blacksmith in his forge forged iron that were small and humble huts of the village. Throughout the town there was only one man who was very very rich Uncle Fred, was greedy, greedy and very bad around the world and everyone took advantage of the tax collector knowing that the inhabitants of that town did not have hardly any money to live.

Juanillo Our friend was good and kind every morning he rose early and went through a forest near his house to reach a small field where he worked growing vegetables which he sold and thus survive.

One day when returning from the hard work across the forest to go to his house he heard someone calling
-relief Help, help, help me please.

Juanillo Then ran to where the time came and saw an elf who had fallen into a pond.
- Help me good man, "said the goblin, who was out of the pool without
get-I have fallen into this pond and I can not get out.

Juanillo without thinking twice plunged into the swimming pool and went to where the puck was, took him and brought him to shore.

"Thank you" said the elf.
"You're a friend I was very pleased to help.
"In reward for your kindness and courage I'll give you something.
- Oh! is not really necessary
"Yes, take the puck," he said giving a grinder-grind mill .Este everything you ask him and so
always have food, clothing and everything you need, just tell
grinder "grinds food mill" and the mill will do, but for finish grinding
you have to say the magic word BARALATATABALIBA not forget you because you
but the mill will go on and grinding.
"Okay, thank you very much friend. Juanillo

took his gift and went to his house, as was so poor he had nothing to eat, then he remembered the mill had given him the puck in the forest caught him and told him
muéleme a succulent dinner. Then

the mill began to grind meal, ground chicken, mashed potatoes, vegetables, fruit ... When Juanillo saw that I had enough food

And the mill stopped grinding and Juanillo went to bed satisfied.

Juanillo Another day is get up early and went to work around thinking what if you ask the mill a new home? That I have is very old and leaky, it is I'm going to ask.
mueleme a new house, having a stable so you can shelter my ass lollipop
gardening so you do not I have to walk so much every day for work. And

mill began to build the house of Juanillo. Once he was finished he yelled.


And the mill stood.

Each day he rose early and worked in the garden of his home.

One day the guy came by Frederick and saw the house that had Juanillo and thought - as you have got the money to have that big house if it has always been poor? I'll find out. Then look out the window and saw Juanillo said

-mill dinner mueleme

- Ah! is this device, "said the uncle Frederick that gives everything from
greed tiene.Y thought: If I could have had a bigger house and more boats and
more money, plus help me on the next trip I have to do, but
clear if I ask what I will want to so when
enters sleep in his house and steal it.

That was Uncle Fred, when Juanillo tired of the long day at work went to bed, the wicked uncle Fred went into his house and stole the mill.

A few days later, Uncle Frederick embarked for the trip that had slope and took it the mill.
already far from land the ship's cook said

"Sir, we have forgotten the salt.
"Heh, heh that's no problem I have the solution

took the grinder and said

-mill grinds salt

And the mill began to grind salt, when they had filled a whole bag
said it
-mill stop grinding mill

But the grinding went on and on salt-mill

I told you no longer need more salt

But nothing the mill paid no attention and continued to grind salt and more sal.Claro Uncle Frederick I knew the magic words, and only with them the mill stopped.
The ship began to fill with salt, had Salt everywhere, the ship began to sink and the guy kept repeating
-mill for grinding that we are going to sink.

But the mill was grinding and not to sink moliendo.Entonces decided to pull the grinder to the sea.

why the sea is salty, because the mill is grinding salt Juanillo and until someone says the magic words will not stop BARALATATABALIBA the mill to grind salt.


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