Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Men Having Errection Pix


four DNU annoy you signed, but do not bother the hundreds who signed the previous ...

withholding annoy phones, but not the concentration soy ... Annoyed

debt payment, but not the debt ... Annoyed

pride, but not treason ... Annoyed

dismissal for the sake of enrichment, but not disturb the increase in equity of De Narvaez ... Annoyed

a Chief of Staff that speaks more to reporters, but not mind a vice president who speaks more to the shareholders means ...

annoy the queues located on the allocation ANSES universal, but which had by unemployment ...

Upset in Chile "Live together", but does not bother to be the second most unequal country in Latin America (after Brazil) ...

annoy the villages, but no country clubs ... Annoyed

you earned through fraud, but not upset that Cobos has integrated the same formula ...

Upset that "Cristina is going ahead of time," but annoying the constant wear ...


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