And we're so friendly, that the military judge in courts and tribunals. Provide you with a defense that offer witnesses tell their version, which are not subjected to physical punishment. We allow for due process that does not subdue to any constitutional guarantee. If the Constitution. The same constitution they violated, and mime republicanism today we know to us.
allowing you to hold an ideology that promotes from channels of information, and that the allegation exposed in total lightness.
also allow them to live, many of them are free and many others have profited from for so long. As if that were not enough, his friends and relatives know where they are. We are so democratic, that allow their children to , nor deny them the right to ignore those who are actually "know where they are staying parents (Father?), What they are charged, and can go visit often as they want. We allow them to organize, convene marches, and public positions. Shit! We're so good that even the left stand for election!
What's not allow ourselves to give up. It is forbidden to forget, give up. Y recordar no es conocer el feriado, repetir la fecha, o haber leído o visto alguna vez algo relacionado a la trágica dictadura. Recordar es mucho más que eso. Consiste en sentirlo, en repudiarlo, en marchar, en expresarlo. Tampoco alcanza con saber bien quienes fueron los militares, ni quienes somos nosotros mismos.
Resulta necesario entender que la cosa no empezó con los desaparecidos ni terminó cuando devolvieron las urnas al pueblo. Acá no hubo un genocidio político - social y nada más. Hubo un genocidio industrial y económico, del cual subsisten células activas que al día de hoy no hemos sabido eliminar. Las minorías elitistas que diseñaron, sostuvieron y avalaron el golpe de Estado, son the same as today struggling to restore order destituyente conservative in Argentina. Behind the military power behind the economic power and not vice versa. There are democracies more damaging than military rule.
Village A democracy can not be seen with these minorities that mutate according to the political situation at the time. Have been fraudulent, military, neo, and now disguised as Republicans. Today they wear the garb of democracy, and out to contrast it with an authoritarian model. Call "non-violence" and "memory" as opposed to requiring the military sectors. However, his speech is a mere regeneration of its ideological stance, that only search we strengthen the political scene through information channels operating in a functional to their interests. The
30 000 missing are a banner and memory, and an open wound that will be impossible to close. But we must be aware that we are no longer enough to remember, because the enemy has mutated, finding ways that lead to an immediate appropriation of our progress.
memory exercise is not just remind us, but also recognize them.
No more, thanks for reading.
Nacho / John Sunday.
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