A Story for Children Gianni Rodari beautiful, please choose your favorite final or if they have another possible even better (the end here are 3 numbered. Those who have read me as you see above I like the number is 3)
was once a drummer who was returning from the war. Was poor, only had the drum, but nevertheless was happy because he came home after so many years. You could hear him play from afar: Baraban, Baraban, Baraban ...
Walking and walking, found an old lady.
- Good Soldier, can I have a coin?
- Grandma, if I had, I would give two, even a dozen. But I have.
- Are you sure?
- I have searched in pockets throughout the morning and have not found anything.
- Look again, look carefully.
- In your pockets? I'll look to please you . But I'm sure ... Go! What is this?
- A coin. Have you seen how tenĂ¡is?
- I swear I did not know. How wonderful! Take, I give it willingly because you need it more than me.
- Thank you, soldier - said the little old woman, and I will give something in return.
- Really? But I do not nothing.
- Yes, I give you a little spell. Will be this: if your drum roll everyone will have to dance.
- Thanks Grandma. It is a truly wonderful enchantment.
- Wait, I have not finished: all dance and can not stop if you do not stop playing.
- Magnifico! Still do not know what I do with this spell but I think I will be very useful.
- I will be very useful.
"Farewell, soldier.
- Goodbye, Grandma.
And the soldier resumed his way back home. Walking and walking .. Suddenly came three bandits in the forest.
- Your money or your life!
- For God's sake! Adelante! Pick up the bag. But I warn you that it is empty.
- Hands up or you're dead!
- obey, obey, gentlemen bandits.
- "Where is the money?
- What is for me, it would be up in the hat.
Bandits look in the hat there is nothing.
- For me it would be up in the ear. They look at the ear
: nothing.
- I would say that even at the tip of the nose, if fitted.
Bandits look, search, dig. Naturally there are not even a penny.
- You're a shabby - says the head of the bandits -. Patience. We'll take the drum to play a little.
- Take him - sighs soldier -, I feel separated from him because he has done it for many years. But if you really want ...
- I want.
- you let me play a bit before taking him away? So teach them how to do eh?
- Of course, play a little.
- That, that - said the drummer - I play and you (Baraban, Baraban, Batabano) and you dance!
And you had to see them dance to those three little guy. Three Bears seemed fair.
At first amused, laughing and joking.
- Courage, drummer! Give the waltz!
- Now the polka, drummer!
- On with the mazurka! Al
After a while they begin to puff. Try to stand and fail. They are tired, suffocated, he turns his head, but the enchantment of the drum forces them to dance, dance, dance ....
- Help!
- Dance!
- Mercy!
- Dance!
- Mercy!
- Dance, dance!
- Enough, enough!
- I can stay the drum?
- Keep ... We do not want to know anything about witchcraft ...
- dajaran I alone?
- Everything you want, just stop playing.
But the drummer, wisely, only stopped when he saw them crumble to the ground exhausted and breathless.
- That is, and can not chase me!
And he, to escape. Occasionally, as a precaution, gave a little tap on the drum. And then he began to dance in their burrows hares, squirrels in the branches, owls in the nest, having to wake up in broad daylight ...
And always ahead, good drummer walked and ran to get home ....
Walking and walking the drummer begins to think: "This spell will make my fortune. In the background I was stupid with those bandits. Could have done to give me your money. Very nearly, searching again ... "
And he turned to retrace his steps when he saw a coach at the end of the trail.
"That is something that suits me.
horses at trot, the bells were jingling. The coachman on the box and whistled a song cheerfully. Next to him sat an armed policeman.
-Health, drummer, will you go?
"Then turn away from the road because we have to go.
"One moment. Throw first, a little dance.
Baraban, Baraban ... The drummer begins to intensify. The horses start dancing. The driver, pulled from a jump and launches to shake legs. Dance the police, dropping the gun. Dance passengers.
should be clear that this diligence carried the gold from a bank. Three boxes full of gold. Would be about three hundred kilos. The drummer, still beating the drum with one hand, brings down the other boxes in the path and push behind a bush with his feet.
- Enough Now We can not anymore!
"Then go away at full speed, and without looking back ...
Diligence set out again without their precious cargo. And lo, the drummer millionaire ... Now you can build a cottage, living off the income, married the daughter of a commander. And when you need money, do not have to go to the bank: it is enough his drum. FINAL SECOND
Walking and running, the drummer is a hunter about to shoot a thrush. Baraban, Baraban ... the hunter drops his rifle and starts dancing. Thrush escapes.
"Meanwhile, dance. And if you want my advice, do not turn to shoot the birds.
Walking and walking, go to a farmer who beats his donkey.
- Dance! Just stop playing if you swear you'll never beat your ass.
Walking and running, the generous soldier lay hold of his drum if it is to prevent an act of arrogance, injustice, abuse. And is so arbitrary you never get to get home. But still is happy and thinks: "My house is where you can do good with my drum." FINAL THIRD
Walking and walking ... While walking, the drummer thinks: strange enchantment and strange drum. I would love, to know how the spell. Look
sticks, all over again: like two wooden sticks normal.
- Maybe the secret is inside, under the skin of the drum!
The soldier makes a hole in the skin with a knife.
"Patience, I'll settle with the drum as it is.
and resumes his path, gleefully beating sticks. But now I do not dance to the drum hares, squirrels and birds in the branches. The owls do not wake up.
The sound seems the same, but the spell will not work.
you going to believe? The drummer is just as happy as before or even more.
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