all watched you at home, and although things did not come constant or predictable, we were confident that you were going to be different from the others, it was time to change a little reading of country we came through. A strange name, a man without an aesthetic fashion for this society geared to the values \u200b\u200bof consumption without speaking English or promise an alliance with countries seriously, assumed the role of transforming Argentina ..
I'll never forget the kick in the ass that got involved with Bush and the FTAA. Impossible to forget the goodbye to the IMF or the order you gave this soldier down box genocide. Mothers, grandmothers, all of them finally began to feel that things were changing in Argentina. We all feel the same with the renovation of the Supreme Court, and the consequent invalidity of the pardons of impunity and the opening of the trials of human rights throughout the country.
The only index that rose was that of GDP, while the poverty, the country risk, those of unemployment, which were both hurt us before we met, they fell on the floor at a speed unknown to us. I do not want to forget in this brief and unfair review of the region, the relationship with the best people of the world: those who are like you. We fell in love with you all the countries of Latin America, and start being the envy d the rest of the world. Instead of allying with those who make wars, plunder resources, and unfavorable macroeconomic prescriptions apply to people, we embrace the dark of the region.
retirees, teachers, children, academics, industrialists, trade unions, employers, workers, discriminated against foreigners, the field, who can say no you must respect Nestor? Who can not thank you brother? Nestor fan criticize you, not timid or wimp, or by hesitant, but by fundamentalist in your model.
Nestor taught us all, even had a machine to prevent ready for anything. We learned that Peronism was not dead, and that the political word had a more profound banality with which we had the showed us that journalism is a mean, treacherous, and capable of destroying Argentina provided keep back your ideas.
I parted in the middle brother, taught us a lot, but there is something you do not know if Nestor learned: to live alone without you .
Thanks for all Nestor Kirchner, and so much power President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner.
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