Saturday, April 16, 2011

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" While the goal of all the movies is entertainment, the kind of films in which I believe go a step further, forcing the viewer to examine a facet and one of his own conscience . It stimulates thought and allows mental trials flourish "

On April 9 the history of cinema he would receive a blow. Sidney Lumet , one of its directors impeccable left us at 86 years of age.

Born in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) on June 25, 1924, soon moved with his family to New York, a city closely linked over time to their own cinema.

" Its diversity, its many ethnic neighborhoods, its arts and its crimes, its sophistication and its corruption, its beauty and ugliness "

son of actor Baruch Lumet, Sidney grew up in an artistic environment, accompanying and after four years of age at his father's Yddish Theatre New York.

After fifteen years as a stage actor, in 1951 began a successful television career as a director in a dozen series, among which were "Danger " "You Are There " or " The Alcoa Hour . "

And in 1957 he debuted on the big screen, brilliantly, with " Twelve Angry Men."

An impeccable direction of Sidney Lumet, a great script by Reginald Rose, a perfect picture of Boris Kaufman and a superb cast of real estate, have made "Twelve men merciless "in what is now a great classic film in its own right.

Lumet devoted a large part of his film adaptation of literary authors as Anton Chekhov, Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Eugene O'Neil, Peter Shaffer or Ira Levin.

" Fugitive" was the film adaptation of a play by Tennessee Williams through a script written by the author. Marlon Brando, Anna Magnani and Joanne Woodward headed a perfect casting.

" Long Day's Journey Into Night " adapted to turn the play by Eugene O'Neil. Katharine Hepburn, Ralph Richardson and Jason Robards also rounded out a superb cast.

Sidney Lumet also adapted for the big screen by British writer Agatha Christie. The title chosen was " Murder on the Orient Express " and paraded the movie big names such as Albert Finney, Lauren Bacall, Ingrid Bergman, Sean Connery, John Gielgud, Vanessa Redgrave, Anthony Perkins ... Another great deal.

But he also knew venture with expertise in the Second World War left us this gem of film called "The Hill " full-fledged defense of human dignity within the military discipline.

His experience in the television world was more than shown in " Network, an unforgiving world, the power analysis TV shows its competitive world. Peter Finch, William Holden, Faye Dunaway, Robert Duvall ... Once again a deal to be taken into account.

" S i prayed for you to make a character, Sidney exerted a priest to hear your prayers, helping you to come true "
( Al Pacino)

Led by a superb Al Pacino, also gave us great titles like " Dog Day Afternoon" or "Serpico ."

Y Verdict ", through a superb Paul Newman. After a trial, Lumet told Newman that he was escaping an aspect of the personality of Frank Galvin, his character. Newman was thoughtful. The next day, after delving into its dark side, its interpretation sparks.

Other titles in the films of Sidney Lumet were "Lender" "Limit point", "The Offense", "The Death Trap", "The next morning," "A Place Nowhere," "Gloria" ...

And his latest work, " Before the Devil Knows You're Dead ", of which Washington Post said: " addition to being worthy of study for their great performances, is worthy of study for his great leadership . "

Sidney Lumet directed a total of 72 titles between cinema and television. His films, always classic, dealt with a critical eye of society, focusing on the psychology of the characters and, always, always, through a flawless directing actors.

A long list of awards and nominations punctuated his career, which would be under-recognized in Hollywood with an Honorary Oscar his entire career in 2005.

was nominated, yes, as director of the Academy Awards four times: "Twelve Angry Men," "Dog Day Afternoon," "Network" and "The Verdict." And won the Golden Globe for best director for "Network" and the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival for "Twelve Angry Men."

Thanks, Sidney , to give priority in movies to what really matters. A history, human relations, the transmission of a message and further reflection.

And thanks for being an impeccable actor's director. A great film director.

" There are many good stories to tell related to the dark side of human beings. And if you create reasons for the decisions of the characters you get a good movie "
(Sidney Lumet )


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