afraid I have to see
need to see
Hope to see you
uneasiness to see
I have wanted to find you
concern find you
certainty of finding you
doubt find you poor
I have urgency to hear
joy to hear
good fortune to hear
and fears hear you
or summarizing
'm screwed
and radiant
perhaps more
first to the second
vice versa.
Despabílate LOVE
Bonjour buon giorno guten morgen,
Despabílate love notes
only in the third world
forty thousand children die per day
on the placid clear sky
float bombers and vultures,
four million have AIDS
greed shaves the Amazon.
Despabílate Good morning good morning,
on UN computers grandmother
not fit more bodies from Rwanda
fundamentalists behead foreign
Pope preaches against condoms,
Havelange strangles Maradona
bonjour Monsieur le maire forza
buon giorno Italia
guten morgen ernst junger
good morning opus dei
good morning Hiroshima,
Despabílate love
the dawning horror.
When you fall in love
time crews calling into oblivion
misery is full of miracles
fear becomes
daring and death does not leave his cave
free love is a harbinger
a window on the new tree
a feat of feeling
a bonanza and an almost unbearable
exercise against misfortune
out of love instead see the body as it is and not as another look
invented what is
come back to the old riddle
poor and give to the sadness in the mirror.
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