- El señor Burns es la caricatura del judio sionista. No sólo en cuan
to a fenotipo fisico, sino también con las caracteristicas atribuidas al Ju gave: Corrupt and corrupting, greedy, millionaire, destroyer of natur drawsheets, overwhelming. Also has a tendency s gay.
- Home ro represents the ordinary citizen who is more pr eocupado to watch TV and eat that you know you are going on around them. feel comfortable in their ignorance.
- Principal Skinner has a clear psychological problem to over-reliance on his mother, allowing to distinguish a clear resemblance to Norman Bates, the main character in the film Ps icosis Alfred Hitchcock as to where he lives and the overprotection of his mother. Your name on the series is due to behavioral psychologist BF Skinner , whose work consisted mainly in behavior modification through operant conditioning to improve society and increase human happiness. Being one of the biggest critics of his tr down Noam Chomsky who initiated the paradigm shift called "cognitive revolution."
- The psychotic Nazi. Owner of an armory. Ma nco, dangerous and
fundamentalist. Sell \u200b\u200bunderwear with the Swastika. correspo n ea d the caricature that hac and society to the American Aryan .- A sample chapter is Tommy and Daly ( capitalism and communism) united to defeat Hitler.
- On another occasion a capitalist displayed on a car show the real Hitler. The capitalist states that your upholstery is made from the skin of Jews killed in the cam towards concentration and its ash are in the ashtray.
- Chapter "Bart vs. Australia" (Temp. 06; Cap 16) we see Hitler addressing a Mercedes-Benz.

- Krusty the Clown is also Jewish (his father is a rabbi). Mask is a character because it is not as fond of children, but in turn is a being full of vices like alcohol and gambling
- In another chapter Homer tells Bart, Lisa and Maggie "Never mind children, when war comes we will go live to the land of Patagonia." Obviously this refers to the case Andinia plan, through which the Zionists seek to establish in southern Chile and Argentina for his new homeland.
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