miss the Orca
turning walked past when I got to thinking that had long without writing a review. It bothers me to read my reports on key personnel, as if everything he wrote was autobiographical. Hanif Kureishi Rumor has it that "writing is not always as much a reflection of the experience as a substitute. " Sometimes one gets stuck in a bend of mind. Nothing moves. No narration. Then he goes around to the past, a place can shape and amorphous clay. And there, in that soft spot, are. Has its dangers, of course, digging up the past can bring unintended consequences to this. Old pains, passions forgotten riddles lost all mystery, poisons that are reactivated. But they say the old ones out there in the past that has been around long enough, everything is, fragmented into repeating cycles. We fell in love, we live, have children, went down to the portal, go out to hunt a job, lose money, lost illusions, we separate, somebody dies, circulates a cool breeze, we start. So, again and again, until the day comes when you realize that there are no more than minutes.
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were the 70's and Avi was groomed as a dandy for a walk. I loved his hat, cane, vest under his jacket, raincoat. He walked slowly. I do not remember what we talked about. We walked down Paseo de Gracia. Barcelona will not be "up" or "low." Merendábamos in the cafeteria Plaza, Plaza Catalunya. Chocolate, coffee, melindros. Back then, rising slowly through which we descended. The Avi was a great Sir, elegant, educadísimo. Always known to have money but died without a penny, not wealth.
"When the grandmother asked for money, left the house and within hours we had a wad of money," says Father. The Avi had no payroll or contracts. He was a salesman, traveling salesman said, a seductive able to handle any sale. A Father was some of that mark.
"He who knows how to sell never goes hungry," said Father to the first turn. Sell-side (hence the tie, dress), sells voice, knowing the conversation modular, masculinity, manicured hands ... -
"When you've sold something, stop selling it. Should be able to stop time-
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My youth began with the death of Eduardo Benavente and ended with the suicide of Kurt Cobain. Were the 80's and walked mulling over the future then. I said we were going to Madrid. Barcelona way back to the remote childhoods. White classmate that I had recorded on a cassette the thirty songs that I listened wearily at all times (on one side issues of Paradise, Kaka de Luxe, on the other Alaska, and Los Pegamoides, Demolition Arias, Sex Pistols, Nacha Pop , Joy Division ...) told me:
- Eduardo Benavente is dead! Has been in a car accident. My brother says it was very wrong, he was hooked, that things look bad-
White's brother played in a group, Deserts, which made us assume that accurate information available as they rubbed shoulders with the elite the national R'n'R. A few days later in "The Golden Age" Paloma Chamorro Eduardo gave the program and announced that the issue of that day would see the last performance of permanent paralysis. Pale, haggard, thin, beautiful, Eduardo sang that he wanted to be holy, blessed, go to Rome to see the Pope. There was no future.
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were the 90's and had spent a decade in which stupid I did nothing but waste time. I wanted to be a painter, but hey, all that I have spoken a thousand times until the cows. Neither painter nor a shit. Binge drinking had no grace. The days began to be Cubist. Then nothing really worth the trouble. Had to live to hear silly phrases: "everything is learned," "strong and will come", "I will love you forever", "you have talent, be patient" ...
An adult is someone who has had a childhood overwhelming Kureishi says the same here as before. I spent diez años pensando en los diez años anteriores. No había manera de sacudirse la grisalla. La juventud me la podría haber ahorrado. Me hubiera gustado sentarme en el sofá cochambroso de Kurt Cobain, ese en el que escuchaba discos, componía canciones, comía pizza fría y le hacía el amor a su rubia, y sentado, dejar pasar diez años y sacarme de encima el olor a Teen Spirit.
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