"The Sex must be mixed with tears, "Anaïs Nin sang in his diary. Sex should combine "laughter, words, promises, scenes, jealousy, envy, all varieties of fear, foreign travel, new faces, novels, stories, dreams, fantasies, music, dance, opium and wine." I hate sex as a device, mechanism, device paradigm. No emotion, no encouragement, no shade, no sex infinity in a bed. No sex drive no art. Do not think that I have to deploy psychoanalytic arms, I could do it because I know that many times against our family tree fucked. I tell you about drawings and thalami.
Picasso met Marie-Thérèse Walter on January 8, 1927, near the Galeries Lafayette. Among the crowd leave the metro Picasso falls in love with a young blonde blue-gray eyes. "He just grabbed my arm and I said, I'm Picasso! You and I are going to do great things together. " Thirty years older than she Picasso saw in Marie-Thérèse overflow drives. On July 13, the day of his eighteenth birthday, went to bed for the first time. Most sexual passion born of life of the painter, with no limits or taboos. Picasso's Marie-Thérèse and dug into a world of eroticism, violence and violation of the convention. A man always has the age of the woman he loves! Art is not chaste!, Shouted the painter in bohemian gatherings cafes and bistros .
In the spring of 36 the world of Picasso walking to new changes. Europe is about to crumble, and soon he meets Picasso Dora Maar. It is no longer loves Marie-Thérèse, is that the world is about to rush. Returning from a visit to Juan-les-Pins, where Marie-Thérèse lived with their daughter, Picasso draws "a dormeuse dévoilant Faune," probably inspired by the classic fable of Jupiter and Antiope. 34 Since Picasso had shown great interest in Rembrandt's prints, so it is not surprising that known version of this on the same subject. Picasso works for days and again modifying his engraving, looking for a lunar illumination and highlighting the melancholic beauty of the faun. Perhaps he was firing in some way to this girl who defile years ago, without disturbing its freshness, without waking from sleep. What looks like an archangel announcing libinidoso bliss, is actually a satyr-bye. Missing minutes for the exquisite Dora Maar burst. Sugar aquatint reserves varnish scraper and burin on copper plate.

Doblo in four a copy of the engraving of Rembrandt and took a few days in the pocket of my tabard. Much later I met the Dutch master drawing. Antiope sleep as placid as Marie-Thérèse, in the anteroom of his deflowering. Jupiter, not without admiration lurks the body of Antiope. Under the sheet up now forget the time, let the body becomes mature couple in the folds of Moceri Antiope. Acuartillado drawing wrinkles in his pocket, takes on new freshness and wrinkling. Anywhere, for days, I open the paper, I observed Jupiter pearly complexion, full lips, almost prepubescent breasts, wide hips made for love astride the young warmth of which will be a great lover. I look at Rembrandt and Picasso but should look at the darkness of Malaga.
Frazer said that the ancient Germans believed that women had something divine and therefore the consulted as oracles. In the Hebrew traditions are encrypted letters, to besiege the surnames find the tribe origin. In the arcane myths are known to the inaugural fire everything arises.